Andaman Islands

Travel tips you can trust


Why the
Andaman Islands
are special

Their remoteness and unspoiled character capture the imagination of seasoned travelers.

Andaman Islands
tips & insights


The Andaman Islands lie 960 kilometers (600 miles) off the southeastern Indian mainland. Less than 10% are inhabited.

Government visitor permits

All travelers must get one. And foreigners are limited to slightly over a dozen of the several hundred islands.

Most popular activities

Favorites are swimming and sunbathing at unspoiled white-sand beaches, diving and snorkeling in pristine lagoons and reefs, and hiking through lush tropical rainforests.

Note:There is little to see in terms of conventional sightseeing.

Most talked about
 Andaman Islands


This is the popular destination for divers and snorkelers.

North Sentinel

Absolutely no visitors are allowed to come ashore. Those who have tried have been aggressively met with well-aimed arrows from the local primeval tribe.

Nicobar Islands

This archipelago lies directly south of the Andaman Islands. Obtaining a visitor's permit to any but Car Nicobar is extremely difficult.

More tips & insights

When to come

Mid January to early May is the best period. Skies are clear and the sea is calm. Avoid the main monsoon period, late May to early September.

Getting there

Fly from mainland Chennai or Kolkatta to Fort Blair, the main Andaman city. Snail-paced passenger ships are the alternative.


Very basic is the norm.

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