Travel tips you can trust
It is the best preserved ancient Roman town. It has superlative mosaics and balconied multi-story buildings.
Don't miss seeing these
My top-five list:
Baths of Neptune
Splendid mosaic.
Piazza of the Corporations
Artistic mosaics visually identify the specialties of dozens of companies (for the multitude who could not read).
Still being used today.
Remains of major temples.
Fireman's barracks
Ruins of a large fire-unit complex.
What functions
did the town serve?
Ostia Antica served as both a military camp (to prevent invaders from sailing up the Tiber River to reach Rome) and the major commercial port for imports from distant lands destined for Rome.
Quick comparison
True, Pompeii is a more exciting tourist draw than Ostia Antica because it was dramatically buried under the ashes of a Vesuvius eruption. However, Ostia Antica has its pluses. It is better preserved and gives the visitor a better idea of what a typical ancient Roman town was like.
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