Travel tips you can trust
What guests like most
about the 101 Hotel
I informally surveyed travelers staying at the 101 Hotel to learn why they chose it. These reasons stand out:
Interior decor
The hotel's' stylish decor has won international praise. Though the black-and-white color themed spaces are minimalist in basic concept, the artistic details like the contemporary wall art and the open-space guest rooms add flair.
Geographic convenience
It's smack in the middle of Reykjavik's City Center, where the action is.
The five-story hotel has just 38 guest rooms.
Cool and trendy
The bar and restaurant complex draws sophisticated, modishly attired locals. It buzzes on weekend evenings, especially Friday.
Other pluses
is friendly, helpful, and accommodating.
WiFi internet access
in your room is free.
Facilities include a
gym, Jacuzzi, and steam bath.
Click 101 Hotel to go directly to its website for more informaton.
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