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Top 10 rankings
Rankings #6 to 10
Darwin and Wolf Islands - Galapagos
These are the best of the many outstanding dive sites in the Galapagos islands.
And only divers are allowed to be there. You see some marine life not found anywhere else
on earth.
for my Top 5 dive rankings.
Sipadan Island - Malaysia
The nation's only oceanic island is known for its barracudas, sharks, green
turtles, and wall. And there are interesting caves to explore. Sipadan is small and uncrowded - and
is for advanced divers (currents are swift).
Barracuda Point.
Tubbataha Reef - Philippines
You can visit this remote Sulu Sea marine-life treasure only on a live-aboard
boat. There's plenty to see underwater, but not above. Much of the surface area of Tubbataha's tiny atolls
is submerged at high tide.
Tubbataha Reef
for my web page.
Island - French Polynesia
Strong tides pass through this atoll twice a day, creating a unique drifting experience for advanced divers.
Polynesia for my travel guide on this tropical paradise.
El Gran Cenote - Mexico
Unlike the other Top 9 dive destinations, this cenote is a deep, clear freshwater
on the Yucatan peninsula. One dives here not to view fish, but for the
thrill of being in an inland sinkhole adorned with underwater stalactites.
for Top Dive Destinations - #1 to 5
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