Bungle Bungle

Travel tips you can trust


Bungle Bungle
is special

Bungle Bungle has bee-hive shaped sandstone domes that soar up to hundreds of feet high. But what makes this Australia travel wonder most exciting are the mound's alternating horizontal stratified bands - orange, gray and black. Photo shows just one of the many dome groups.

Bungle Bungle
tips & insights

Other Bungle
Bungle features

In addition to the renowned domes, there are high-wall, palm-adorned, dry-creek gullies for hiking. The Bungle Bungle of Australia also has Aborigine rock paintings and burial grounds.

Best time to visit

May to October (the Southern Hemisphere winter) is best. May is the finest of all because it follows the wet season, which means that the otherwise barren landscape will be alive with green vegetation, colorful wild flowers, and small pools.

Least desirable
time to visit

From late November through early April, days
are likely to be uncomfortably hot, humid and rainy. And the park is closed for several months during the middle of that

Location in Australia

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