When to go on a
Mexican Riviera cruise

Cruise tips you can trust



Best time to go - and not go


You take 5% to 10% chance of your Mexican Riviera vacation being spoiled by a hurricane with hundred-mile-an-hour winds if you cruise in August or September (see graphic above).

And although you will less likely encounter a hurricane or major tropical storm in the low hurricane season (see graphic), you are still rolling the dice.

I recommend you cruise during the December to mid-May period because:



You greatly increase the odds in your favor of having balmy blue-sky days.


Temperature & humidity

Their levels will likely be pleasant (in contrast, those conditions can be uncomfortably high in the summer).


Port of calls

You won't have to worry about a port of call (say Acapulco) being cancelled because a hurricane forced your ship to alter its itinerary.


Fare & rates

Airline fairs and cruise rates are generally lower compared to those in the July and August peak tourist season - and ports are less tourist-crowded. (Exceptions are the Christmas and Easter holiday periods.)



Candidl advice
Top 4 Mexican Riviera ports
Mexican Riviera - Best time to go
Mexican Riviera - More helpful info



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