Lake Titicaca

shared with Bolivia


Why the
Lake Titicaca
is special

It is the highest major navigable lake in the world - and offers a variety of interesting tourism activities.

Lake Titicaca
tips and insights

Altitude and size

Lake Tititcaca is 3,811 meters (12,500 feet) in altitude. And it's 283 meters (930 feet) in depth and about 200 kilometers (125 miles) in length.


It straddles the Peruvian -Bolivian border on the South America's vast Altiplano (high plane). The rich blue waters are dramatically backdroped by the surrounding brown-parched landscape and the distant snow-capped Andean peaks.

Top 4
Lake Titicaca


Reed boats

The site is famous for its photogenic boats made with totora reeds (see photo).

Floating islands

These are man-made islands. They are also built with totora reeds.

Isla del Sol

The Island of the Sun is the largest of the 41 islands on Lake Titicaca. It's known for its ancient ruins and the Chinkana labrynth.

Folkloric dances

They and fiestas are held in the town of Puna.

Main lakeside
tourism bases

In Peru, it's Puna. In Bolivia, it's Copacabana. Each twon offers many full-day boat tours.

When to go

Best period: March to November (dry season). Worst period: December to February (rainy season).


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