How to pronounce
Caribbean island names

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Asterisks spotlight names that many
foreigners mispronounce. I give the correct pronunciations (the ones the islanders use themselves).

* Anguilla - ahn-GWEEL-ah
* Antigua/Barbuda - ahn-TEE-gah /bah-BOO-dah
Aruba - ah-ROO-bah
Bahamas - buh-HAH-mahz
Barbados - bahr-BAY-dohs
Belize - buh-LEEZ
* Bonaire - boh-NAIR
Cayman Islands - KAY-man
Cuba - KYOO-bah
* Curacao - cuhr-ah-soh
Dominica - dohm-uh-NEE-kuh
Dominican Republic - duh-MIHN-eh-kun
Grenada - gruh-NAY-dah
Grenadines - greh-NAH-deens
* Guadeloupe - GWOHD-ell-oop
Haiti - HAY -tee
Honduras - hohn-DUHR-uhs
Jamaica - juh-MAY-kuh
Martinique - mahr-tih-NEEK
Montserrat - mohnt-suh-RAHT
Puerto Rico - PWEHR-toh REE-koh
* Saba - SAY-bah
St Barts - bahrts
St Eustatius - you-STAY-shush
* St Kitts / Nevis - kitz / NEE-vihs
* St Lucia - LOO-shuh
St Martin / St Maarten - both: MAHR-tihn
* Trinidad/Tobago - TRINH-eh-dahd / tuh-BAY-go
* Turks and Caicos - turks and KAY-kos

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St Lucia
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St Martin / St Maarten
Cayman Islands
Dominican Republic

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