Meaning of names
Galapagos name
The islands were not named after the Spanish saddle "galapagos", as some sources suggest. The naming process involved two distinct chronological steps.
First Step
The upper shell (carapace) of a giant tortoise living on a particular island resembled a Spanish equestrian saddle named "galapagos" to early Spanish visitors. So they named the tortoise "galapagos".
Second step
Much later, the islands inherited the tortoise's name "galapagos".
Galapagos dual
island names
The Galapagos Islands have both Spanish and English names, which causes confusion among some visitors. Use the names in the left column. They are the ones most often used in the Galapagos Islands.
Official name of
the Galapagos Islands
It is "Archipelago de Colon". The name honors the memory of Christopher Columbus, whose last name is "Colon" in Spanish.
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