facts & tidbits

People Geography



First human
to set foot

Charles Darwin wasn't first. Hardly. He arrived in 1835, exactly 300 years after the islands were discovered in 1535 when a ship was blown off course. Although there is speculation that the Incas knew of the place before 1500, the evidence is tenuous.

Past residents

They included pirates, whalers, convicts, and early settlers.

Today's population

It's around 20,000. Most residents live in Puerto Ayora (9,000) and Puerto Baquerizo (6,000).

Tourist count

Currently, more than 60,000 tourists per year visit the Galapagos. The maximum government permitted number is 90,000.



The Galapagos Islands were formed by accumulating lava oozing upward from beneath the ocean floor. This geological process reached sea level nearly 4 million years ago.


Some of the volcanoes are still active, with occasional eruptions and seismic activity.

The islands
physically differ

The terrain and topography vary. Some islands are small and flat, others big and tall.

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interesting conversation pieces

Facts & tidbits - Meaning of names
Facts & tidbits - Wildlife
Facts & tidbits - El Nino Years + Geography

Best 5 islands

Best Galapagos ships by category
Boat type - pros & cons
Itinerary tips
Cost and booking tips

Best time to go
Getting there tips
Packing tips
Snorkeling tips
Diving tips
Some more helpful tips

Top 5 land & shore wildlife
Top 5 birds
Top 5 marine life

Charles Darwin - Brief bio
Interesting Galapagos facts
Celebrity Xpedition



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