Yangtze River Cruise

Three Gorges Dam


About the
Three Gorges Dam

World's largest

The dam is by far the biggest in both size and hydroelectric power generation. It's an astonishing engineering feat.

Three Gorges Dam
up close

You pass through its incredibly large locks in your ship. The Three Gorges Dam is a Hillman Wonder Bronze Medal winner.

Negative effect
of the dam

Unfortunately, from the tourist's perspective, it is raising the river water level behind it so high that formerly breathtaking rapid currents of the Yangtze River are all but disappearing. And, the water is permanently inundating some scenic and cultural riverside attractions (and forced over a million people to relocate).

Still a lot to see

Much of the stunning natural beauty of the sheer gorges remains. And, the visit to the new dam and its locks have substantially added to the cruise's appeal.

On balance

The Yangtze River cruise is still so exceptional that the sightseeing losses the dam caused should definitely not discourage travelers from making the voyage. Think of the marble statue Venus de Milo. She lost her arms but still is an object of beauty.

Learn my other
Yangtze Cruise tips and insights

Why it's special
Best 5 boats
When to go + Routes
Three Gorges + Shore excursions
Three Gorges Dam
What it's like aboard
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